The law requires all registered business entities like corporations and LLCs to appoint someone who will receive important legal documents and lawsuits on their behalf. This person is known as a service of process agent , and they must have a physical address in the state where the company is formed or authorized to do business.
Secure Your Legal Transactions: The Role of a Process Agent in the UK
If you want to avoid the costly repercussions of a lackluster agent, take the time to find a professional registered agent services provider who understands how to properly handle service of process. A good corporate service provider will have a team of highly trained professionals on hand to ensure that all legal papers are served on the correct party promptly and with the proper documentation, including proof of service.
Many companies make the mistake of appointing an in-house employee to act as their agent for service of process, which is a bad idea. What happens if that individual is out for lunch, takes a day off, or leaves the company? If the company is being sued, that lack of availability could cost them a lot of money in a judgment against the business or even the costs and attorney’s fees associated with fighting the lawsuit.
Hiring a professional registered agent services provider eliminates this risk by ensuring that all legal documents and lawsuits are handled promptly, correctly, and in accordance with the rules of the court. Additionally, anyone looking up the company’s information will be able to go directly to the corporate service provider’s professional office instead of trying to serve your business with subpoenas at your home or workplace.